Your Memories

and the ringtone

Send us some of your stories and memories, photographs even. We'll put some on this site for all to see

Whether you were at Wembley or watching on the telly, or you've heard stories from your family, you will know about Bob Stokoe's famous run, after the final whistle, onto the pitch to embrace Jimmy Montgomery and the rest of the lads, as Sunderland fans around the world simultaneously went nuts. Crying, laughing, jumping, screaming, all in ecstasy. We had done it. We had taken on the reigning champions and WE HAD WON!!!!!!

Now in celebration of that wonderful day we have a new song in honour of our lads. Red & White it is called and it will be released soon........

But first we have a teaser. You can have your own, your very own (along with everyone else), FREE ringtone. Be the envy of your friends, annoy your relatives from Newcastle, annoy any locals who say they support a team from Manchester who wear red. Ask any locals who support a team from Manchester who wear red, the question;" Why"? 

This song is ours, the Magpies have their Foggy Tyne and we have Red & White. Wear your Sunderland shirt, download the free ringtone, learn the song and sing-along.

Talking of singing along, peruse the rest of this site and see what our entertainment company does, you might even get to sing along with us in a video  or on stage.   Andy: 0752 358 6375